We build web solutions

FDD Solutions are experts at building hosted web solutions


Solutions and Services

FDD Solutions works with clients to build solutions to meet their requirements.


Here are examples of the solutions/services that have been recently provided by FDD Solutions:

Web application development

Development of bespoke web applications for your business needs or for your clients.

As we have the required expertise, we can build the solution and host it for you.

Full Stack Solutions

No need to expensive contractors:
Website developers, Java developers, Database Admins, AWS Experts.
FDD Solutions has expertise in all of these areas.

SAM Accountancy Solution

Cloud Hosting

FDD Solutions deploys to the cloud (e.g. available at a URL) and manages the deployed solution for you. No need to purchase servers, databases yourself. FDD Solutions will take care of it.

Data Security

Data Security is of upmost importance. By strictly adhering to cloud security guidelines, data is securely stored and backed up.

GDPR compliance is a must.

Pension Fund Solutions

FDD Solution has provided many solutions related to pension funds (e.g. ETVs).



Financial Calculations

FDD Solution has built many financial calculators.

The client defined the calculator using excel and FDD Solutions builds the calculator service so it is accessible on the web (e.g. by pension members)

ETV Calculator

Your Tax Calculator

Solution Integration

The hosted solution can be an extension of your website (e.g. a subpage) or a separate domain.

You decide.

Google Workspace

For a number of clients, FDD Solutions has configured dedicated private instances of Google Workspace.

To learn more about Google Workspace - watch this video

Why Us ?

FDD Solutions focuses on small to medium sized projects.

Clients choose FDD Solutions in order to get their projects live in a short time frame at a very competitive cost.

You do not wish to hire expensive contractors for a short term project.
You prefer to work with FDD Solutions on the solution (rather than manage the build and deployment yourself).

If you have a project that you would like to develop, contact us to discuss it.
Once we understand your requirements, we will provide you with a proposal.


Fergal D Daly


If you would like to discuss a project, contact me